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IT Proficiency Test (ITPT)


Nepalese Information Technology (IT) industry and other organizations need IT professionals in abundance in many years to come. The supply of these resources is happening from various academic and nonacademic institutions within the country & outside the country. Four of the Nepalese universities are offering various IT related graduate courses such as B.E. in Computer Engineering, Bachelor in Computer Applications, Bachelor of Information System and many other training institutes provide long term professional training in IT. Nepal receives IT graduates from various colleges & universities in India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Russia, Ukraine etc. It has really been difficult for employing organization to select IT professionals for their institutions merely based on their mark-sheets and judging from the interviews. The course coverage of these institutions varies widely and their evaluation criteria are quite different among the institutions. Most of the training institutes merely provide certificates of participation and does not indicate their proficiency in the subjects. Thus a necessity has been felt by Information Technology Professional Forum (ITPF), a non profit making and non governmental organization, consisting of academically sound and highly experienced IT professionals of the country to conduct The IT Proficiency Test (ITPT) as per the need of Nepal.


The main objective of The IT Proficiency Test (ITPT) is to examine the proficiency of the candidates in various topics of IT and help the employing organizations and other institutions in knowing examinee's level based on an unified test. The purpose is to standardize the level of proficiency of IT Skills & Knowledge.


ITPF executive formulates a high power Committee for IT Proficiency Test (CITPT) consisting of 3 highly qualified and experienced IT professionals with high degree of integrity to conduct tests. A bank of objective questions will be set up using various experts nominated by CITPT. The test will be conducted through computers and the test results are made known immediately to the examinees. Official certificates of the examinees can be made directly available to the nominees as demanded by the examinees on request. The question bank and the question paper provided to the examinees will be highly secret and will not be known to any other person than CITPT members. Members of CITPT will also be kept secret by ITPF executive to any other public. The certification will be done by ITPF executive upon the recommendation of CITPT in order not to disclose the CITPT members. The test will be audited by a third party committee.


Schedule will be announced shortly. Contact ITPF for details.

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